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Английский язык. 10 класс

Артикул: 815782.01.99
Учебно-методический комплект Enjoy English/«Английский с удовольствием» (10 класс) является частью учебного курса Enjoy English/«Английский с удовольствием» для 2—11 классов общеобразовательных организаций. Учебник основывается на современных методических принципах и отвечает требованиям, предъявляемым к учебникам начала третьего тысячелетия. Тематика и аутентичный материал, используемые в учебнике, отобраны с учётом интересов старшеклассников, ориентированы на выбор будущей профессии и продолжение образования. Акцент делается на развитии коммуникативных умений учащихся, их познавательных способностей, метапредметных умений и личностных качеств. Учебник состоит из четырех разделов, каждый из которых рассчитан на одну учебную четверть. Разделы завершаются проверочными заданиями (Progress Check), позволяющими оценить достигнутый школьниками уровень овладения языком. Учебник обеспечивает подготовку к итоговой аттестации по английскому языку, предусмотренной для выпускников полной средней школы. Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту среднего общего образования.
Биболетова, М. З. Английский язык. 10 класс : учебник / М. 3. Биболетова, Е. Е. Бабушис, Н. Д. Снежко. — 10-е изд., стер. — Москва : Просвещение, 2022. — 213, [3] с.: ил. — (Enjoy English. Английский с удовольствием). - ISBN 978-5-09-087692-6. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2089957 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
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УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я721

©  АО «Издательство «Просвещение», 2021
© Художественное оформление.
АО «Издательство «Просвещение», 2021
Все права защищены

ISBN 978-5-09-087692-6

Учебно-методический комплект Enjoy English. «Английский  
с удовольствием»  для 10 класса состоит из следующих компонентов:
• учебника
• книги для учителя
• рабочей тетради
• аудиоприложения

Биболетова, Мерем Забатовна.
Английский язык. 10 класс : учебник / М. З. Биболетова, Е. Е. Ба-
бушис, Н. Д. Снежко. — 10-е изд., стер. — Москва : Просвещение, 
2022. — 213, [3] с. : ил. —(Enjoy English. Английский с удовольствием).

ISBN 978-5-09-087692-6.
Учебно-методический комплект Enjoy English / «Английский с удовольствием»  
(10 класс) является частью учебного курса Enjoy English / «Английский с удовольствием» 
для 2—11 классов общеобразовательных организаций. 
Учебник основывается на современных методических принципах и отвечает 
требованиям, предъявляемым к учебникам начала третьего тысячелетия. Тематика 
и аутентичный материал, используемые в учебнике, отобраны с учётом интересов 
старшеклассников, ориентированы на выбор будущей профессии и продолжение 
образования. Акцент делается на развитии коммуникативных умений учащихся, 
их познавательных способностей, метапредметных умений и личностных качеств.
Учебник состоит из четырех разделов, каждый из которых рассчитан на одну 
учебную четверть. Разделы завершаются проверочными заданиями (Progress 
Check), позволяющими оценить достигнутый школьниками уровень овладения 
языком. Учебник обеспечивает подготовку к итоговой аттестации по английскому 
языку, пре дусмотренной для выпускников полной средней школы.
Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному 
стандарту среднего общего образования.
УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я721


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Learning strategies content
• Learning to follow tips
• How to guess word meaning from context
• Taking notes from a text
• How to contribute to a group discussion of ideas
• How to do a role-play
• How to prepare for a presentation effectively
• How to give a perfect presentation
• How to conduct a class survey
• How to report on a class survey
• How to improve your debating skills
• Writing an article
• Writing a formal letter of application
• Writing an opinion essay

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Grammar focus

Start anew
Page 8
1 Start anew
Present perfect 
Reporting the results of a group 
discussion (reasons for going to 
Giving a presentation on school-
related topics

Words and expressions 
related to school
Collocations related to 
Guessing the meaning 
of words from context

2 What’s in?
Reported speech 
instructions and 

Group discussion (school uniform) 
Reporting the results of a class survey 
(opinions on school uniform)
Writing an article
Preparing and presenting a fashion 

Items of clothes
Words and expressions 
related to clothes
Numerical expressions
Words and expressions 
related to a personal 

3 Are you keen 
on sports?
Subjunctive I  
(I wish + V-ed)
Passive voice 

Describing a kind of sport
Advantages and disadvantages of 
doing a sport (debate)

Kinds of sport
Collocations related to 
doing sports
Exotic sports
Expressions with as

4 Where words 
situations referring 
to future or present 
(If + V-ed + would) 
Emphatic sentences

Reporting on the results of a survey 
(Class musical profile)
Discussing social functions of music
Writing an article (“An anthem of my 

Music word web
Adjectives to describe 
different kinds of 
Verbs connected with 
Collocations related to 

5 Where does 
time go?
Clauses of purpose 
(to / in order to)
Pair discussion (prioritising daytime 
Writing an informal letter of advice
Group discussion (designing an ideal 

Time expressions and 
collocations with time

Progress check

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Grammar focus

Talking on 
Page  54

1 Exploring 
your family
focus: Word stress  
in multi-syllable 

Exploring and discussing family 
Expressing attitudes to different 
kinds of stories
Reading for gist / specific 
Listening for specific information 
Telling a family story

Adjectives used to 
describe family stories 
Collocations related to 
a family’s history 
Phrasal verbs

2 Family room
Can / Be able to 
Could vs was able 

Listening for gist / for specific 
Reading for gist / for specific 
Guessing the meaning of unknown 
words from the context
Giving an opinion in a group 
discussion (What’s better: to have 
siblings or be an only child?)
Discussing embarrassing situations

Names of relatives 
Expressions related to 
feelings and emotions
Expressions related to 
family relationships

3 What makes 
a family 

Unreal past 
(Conditional III) 

Listening for gist
Making notes
Discussing happy / sad / boring 
moments in groups
Reading for gist / detail
Discussion: expression preferences 
(for and against extended families)
Writing short stories describing real 
life situations

Kinds of families
Collocations related to 
family relationships

4 Family 
V-ing forms
Listening for gist / detail
Reading for gist / detail
Reading for gist
Predicting the end of the story
Discussing family relationships
Listening for gist / specific 

Word formation
Finding words with a 
close meaning in the 
text (guessing  
the meaning from  
the context)
Language of 
Collocations related to 
family relationships
Describing friends

5 Days to 
Grammar tenses 
system (Revision)
Reading for gist / detail
Listening for gist
Noticing a structure of a newspaper 
Writing a report on an unusual 
wedding (picture story / expanding a 
journalist’s notes)

Marriage word web

Progress check

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Grammar focus

and progress
Page 86

1 Learning 
from the past
Modal verbs: 
expressing degrees 
of probability in the 
Comparative and 
superlative forms of 
(Revision) + 
qualifying adverbs

Reading for gist / detail
Talking about discoveries: expressing 
opinions (in groups), giving reasons, 
summarising, comparing
Expressing suppositions referring to 
the past
Listening for gist / making notes
Reading for gist / specific expressions
Talking about ancient civilisations: 
supporting your view, giving 
examples, accepting reasons, 
agreeing / disagreeing
Making a presentation
Writing a composition

Vocabulary to speak 
about discoveries
Words often confused
Parts of human face 
Words to express size
Do vs make

2 Progress and 
(Type 3 / Type 2 

Reading for gist / specific expressions /  
text analysis
Writing a description of an invention
Discussing inventions
Listening for gist / detail
Talking about human dependence on 
Writing an opinion essay
Talking about human impact on the 
Talking about the moral aspects of 
technological development
Problem-solving (a new prize 

Word formation: noun 
suffixes -ence, -ance, 
-ity, -ty
Vocabulary to speak 
about technological 
International words

3 Man-made 
wonders of 
the world

Infinitive vs V-ing 
form (Revision) + 
with change of 

Group discussion
Making suppositions about the past
Listening for gist / detail / making 
Collecting information
Talking about a local man-made 
Writing a description of a man-made 

Verbs to describe 
creating / constructing 

4 Robots of the 
Ways of  
expressing the 

Reading for gist / detail
Discussing the different perspectives 
of technological developments
Making predictions
Listening for gist / specific words / 
note taking
Discussing advantages and 
disadvantages of new technological 
Reading for gist / detail of a literary 
Discussing a literary text
Project: designing a new robot

Vocabulary to describe 
future developments of 

Progress check

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Grammar focus

The world of 
Page 128

1 Away from 
Ways of  
purpose, likes and 
be used to / get  
used to

Speaking about your preferences 
whether to study abroad / do an 
exchange programme
Writing a letter of application

Words and expressions 
relating to studying 
Expressions with get

2 From here to 
Linking words and 
Describing the route / the way 
Describing a picture
Sharing your personal experience  
as a traveller

Prepositions with 
means of transport
The meaning of mind

3 Manners 
make the 

Ways of  
forbidding things
Agreeing on a set of class rules of 
Small talk

Words and expressions 
related to norms of 
public behaviour

4 Culture 
Basic Politeness Rules (putting things 

Words and expressions 
related to culture shock

Progress check


Appendix 1. School English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

Appendix 2. Learning strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Appendix 3. Cultural guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

Appendix 4. List of irregular verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

Appendix 5. Grammar reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

Appendix 6. Picture cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

 — текст для аудирования

 — работа в парах

 — работа в группе

 — задание повышенной сложности

 — работа с Интернетом

 — Learn to learn

 — State Exam

[CG] — Cultural guide

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Start  anew

1 Fill the school bag with your expectations 
and worries. Walk round the room and read 
what others have noted in their bags. What 
do they say?

Example: I expect to learn a lot of new English 
words. I am worried about having to take tests.

2 Read through the list of reasons why stu-
dents go to school. Now rate the reasons 
according to those most and least impor-
tant to you (1—11).

to acquire general knowledge

to get prepared for a future job

to meet other young people

to train your memory

to learn something you will never use

to find out what you are really interested in

to please your parents

to test your intelligence

to learn how to study

to have fun

to learn discipline


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UNIT  1  Section 1


 3 Work in groups of four. Compare your rat-
ings and say what the most / least impor-
tant reasons in your group are. See “How to 
contribute to a group discussion of ideas” 
in “Learning strategies” (page 169).


Most of us think that the main reason for 
going to school is...
We all agree that...
Some people believe that... is more important.
There was one person who said that...
Among the least important reasons was...

 4 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1 Why do schoolchildren in our country 
change schools?
2 Have you ever changed schools? If yes, 
when and why?
3 How did you feel when you moved from 
primary to secondary school?
4 What is your feeling now that you have 
changed schools?

5 Read the extracts from Wendy’s diary. 
Are the statements below true (T) or false 

Day 1

I’ve just moved from middle school to high school and from a private 
one to a public one. Overnight, I was transformed from the oldest, most 
experienced student in the school into the youngest, greenest new-
comer. Lots of things are confusing, like my schedule. I got lost 
today trying to fi nd art class. And where is my maths class? Miles away 
from here...

Day 2

So it’s been great to lose that horrible uniform and wear jeans for 
a change, but there is much more to it than that. It’s been hard to make 
friends quickly. What I miss most is knowing everyone — we were all so 
close. We had been together for 9 years!

Day 3

I do miss my school a lot. Even the food was better. We had more 
variety, and there was that delicious pizza every Friday!!! There were 
fewer students in my previous school and not so many troublemakers. 
Here I feel terribly lonely. No one pays any attention to me. I wish I had 
stayed there!

Day 4

Today was full of surprises. My elective subject is team sports. I had 
chosen it because I had expected that there would be lots of other girls 
in it. I turned out to be VERY wrong. There were only fi ve other girls 
and about 30 boys! But this has actually turned out to be good. I’ve 
become friends with many of the boys from my class.

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UNIT  1  Section 1

Two months later

I’ve nearly completed a semester of public school. It’s still very hard.
I’m getting С’s [CG] on my report card for the fi rst time ever.
But I like it much better than private school. Public school doesn’t 
mean it’s easier. The homework is a bit easier but the tests are 
defi nitely harder.

 6 Work in pairs. Read the dictionary defi ni-
tions of the words and phrases from the 
text and do the tasks below:
a) Translate the words and phrases into 
Russian. Is it easy to do? Why or why not?
b) Decide whether Wendy comes from the 
UK or the USA and how old she is. Explain 

High school — 1 in Britain: a school where 
children study from 11 to 18. 2 in the 
USA: a school for children from 14 to 18.

Middle school — 1 in Britain: a school where chil-
dren go after primary school at the age of 8 and 
study till they are 12. 2 In the USA: a school 
where children go after elementary school at 
the age of 11 and study till they are 14.

Private school — a school where parents 
pay for their children’s education.

А, В, C — marks students get at school, 
A — the highest, B — good and C — 

Report card — In the USA: a report that a 
teacher writes to describe a student’s prog-
ress in school.

Semester — half of a school year, usually 
about 18 weeks.


 1 Wendy thinks nothing has changed much in her life.

 2 She feels it’s hard to find her way in a new place.

 3 She has to wear a school uniform in the new school.

 4 She feels fine about not knowing her new schoolmates.

 5 She spent nine years in the previous school.

 6 There are more children in her new school.

 7 The discipline is better in the new school.

 8 She didn’t expect to make friends in team sports.

 9 She used to get better results in the previous school.

10 She is getting used to the new school.

Public school — 1 in Britain: an expensive 
private school where students study 
and live. 2 In the USA: a school where 
the money is provided by the govern-
ment, not parents.

Elective subject — a course 
that students can choose, 
not compulsory.

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UNIT  1  Section 1



7 Complete the word web with the words from Ex. 6 and the text in Ex. 5.
Use your Workbook.



 8 Work in pairs. Use the words from the 
word web to compare Wendy’s school with 
your school. Make up 2—3 sentences.

Example: In Wendy’s school they don’t have to 
wear school uniform but in our school 
we do.

 9 Work in pairs. Tell each other about the 
best / worst thing that happened to you on 
the fi rst day at school this year.

 10 Listen to three teenagers talking about 
their experiences on the fi rst day at school 
and decide which of the speakers:

1 didn’t know anyone in the school 

2 mentioned some strict school rules 

3 felt nervous on the first day at school 

4 liked the food in the new school 

5 didn’t like the school uniform 

 11 Listen again and make notes in the table. 
Use your Workbook.

On the first day at school
Jane Chris John

The best thing on the first 

The worst thing on the 
first day

 12 Work in pairs. Complete the sentences 
about yourself and share your ideas with 
your partner.

Like (a name / names) I...
Unlike (a name / names) I...


See “Grammar reference” (page 180).

13 Use the words below to make up sen-
tences about Wendy. Consult the rules in 
the “Grammar reference” if necessary.

1 Wendy / just / move / a new school.
2 She / already / make / lots of friends.
3 She / get lost / first day / school.
4 She / be / new school / two months.

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UNIT  1  Section 1

14 Do the tasks below.
a) Ask your classmates questions and fi nd 
someone who:
1 has had their school bag for the longest 
period of time.
2 has changed schools most often.
3 has ever learned another language.
4 has made new friends this year.
5 has read some good books lately.

Example: How long have you had this school 
b) Report what you have found out about 
your classmates.


 15 Read the rules, listen to the sentences 
and mark strong and weak have. Then 
practise saying the following sentences.

Have is strong if it stands alone without a main 
verb. It is weak in the question form.
Have is often contracted (’ve) in statements if it 
is followed by a main verb.

 1 Have you just finished your work?
 2 They haven’t lived here for years.
 3 She’s worked in the bank for five years.
 4 Would you like something to eat? — I’ve just 
had something to eat.
 5 I’ve worked hard this week.
 6 It has rained a lot this year.
 7 We haven’t seen her today.
 8 They’ve seen that film six times.
 9 It has happened several times already.
10 Have you got a spare pen? — I don’t think 
I have.
11 We’ve eaten at that restaurant many times.
12 Has he just left?
13 Someone has eaten my soup!
14 She’s studied Japanese, Russian and English.

16 Read what these students say about 
their schools and choose the best options 
to defi ne the words in bold.

1 a “boarder” is a student who:
a) lives at school
b) suffers at school 
2 “to be homesick” means:
a) to want to go out
b) to miss one’s home


My school is very far from the place 
where I live so I have to use public transport 
to get there. But I’m glad I’m a day student 
and come home every day. A friend of mine is 
a boarder and she is often 

Someone has 
eaten my soup!


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UNIT  1  Section 1


If something is “compulsory”:
a) you can choose whether to 
do it or not
b) you must do it

1 “bright” means:
a) enthusiastic
b) intelligent
2 “scholarship” means:
a) money an organisation gives you 
so that you can study at a school
b) money you earn

17 Match the words in two columns to get 
meaningful word combinations.

 1 make
a) uniform

 2 report
b) student

 3 bright
c) to a school

 4 elective
d) friends

 5 be
e) identity

 6 be
f) from parents

 7 school
g) card

 8 compulsory
h) subject

 9 belong
i) left behind

10 note
j) homesick

18 Choose 3—5 word combinations to make 
sentences about yourself. Write them down, 
then go round the class to fi nd the students 
who have ideas similar to yours. Report 
your fi ndings to the class.


In our school if you are 
particularly bright, you are 
offered a scholarship.

“to be left behind” means:
a) to be as good as all the others
b) to be slower than others


In my school class sizes are very 
large, which results in some students 
being left behind or almost ignored. 
Every student would get more attention if 
classes were smaller.

Because my school doesn’t have a uniform, 
students do not really feel they have a school 
identity and so they simply don’t care. I’m sure 
a compulsory uniform would help us develop 
more pride in our school.

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UNIT  1  Section 1

 19 Work in groups. Do the following tasks.
a) Look at the pictures and give your ideas: What was the 
school like 100 years ago?
b) Make a list of your ideas. Share them with the rest of the 

20 Read the text about school life in Britain in the early 20th century and tick the things 
described in the text. Find the sentences and phrases to explain your answers.

When we were old enough to go to school, we walked 
there on our own. The school was a stone throw from our 
house so we were lucky. Some children had to walk more 
than a mile to get there.
The school had three classrooms: one for the young-
est children, one for the middle class and the biggest 
room for the oldest children. Mr Thompson, the head-
master, taught the oldest class himself. He was very strict. 
We were not allowed to talk. If someone misbehaved, 
they had to come out and stand in front of the class. But 
if it was really serious, they had to hold out their hand for 
the cane. They felt miserable, though it didn’t hurt too 
There was a wall in the schoolyard which divided it 
into two parts. The boys came to school through the 
main gate whereas the girls — through the garden gate. 
It was ridiculous as we studied in the same class but had 
to play in separate playgrounds with the wall between us.
In the morning we all came to the big room, sang 
a hymn and said a prayer. The youngest children learned 
how to write by drawing letters in a sand tray. When they 
got older, they used dip pens with ink. I remember learn-
ing poems and tables by heart. Small children worked 
with dark-green plasticine and older girls learned to sew 
and knit.
In the school there were no lunches so we had to go 
home to eat. The children who lived far away brought 
their lunches to school. When it was cold in winter, 
Mr Thompson made a hot drink and the children sat 
around the coal fire to eat.

 1 how the children got to school

 2 school uniform

 3 the size of the school

 4 the school’s discipline

 5 inviting parents to school

 6 the cost of education

 7 the area around the school

 8 what they learned at school

 9 the food they ate at school

10 the kind of a teacher they had


cane — a stick used for punishing 
children in school
prayer — the words that someone says 
when they are speaking to God
sand tray — поднос с песком
dip pen — перьевая ручка
ink — чернила
sew — шить
knit — вязать
coal — уголь

Children sat at desks arranged in rows. 
Each desk had an inkwell and a groove 
for keeping a pen.

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