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Новые технологии в области железнодорожного транспорта

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Данное учебно-методическое пособие позволяет получить ответы по ряду вопросов, возникающих при изучении информации на английском языке, касающейся новых технологий в области железнодорожного транспорта. В пособие включены основные задания, касающиеся таких вопросов, как: расширение словарного запаса, изучение новых понятий, задания на вопросно-ответные формы, на развитие навыков общения на английском языке. Рекомендовано для специализации «Управление инновационными процессами и проектами» специальности «Инноватика» 27.03.05 (бакалавриат).
Гитайло, Е. Н. Новые технологии в области железнодорожного транспорта : учебно-методическое пособие / Е. Н. Гитайло. - Москва : РУТ (МИИТ), 2018. - 18 с. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1895747 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Министерство транспорта Российской Федерации 

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение 
высшего образования «Российский университет транспорта (МИИТ)» 


Кафедра «Иностранные языки-4» 








Новые технологии в области железнодорожного транспорта 





Учебно-методическое пособие  












Москва – 2018 



Министерство транспорта Российской Федерации 

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение 
высшего образования «Российский университет транспорта (МИИТ)» 



Кафедра «Иностранные языки-4» 







Новые технологии в области железнодорожного транспорта 





Учебно-методическое пособие  

для студентов специализации «Управление инновационными процессами и проектами»  

специальности «Инноватика» 

27.03.05 (бакалавриат)  






Москва – 2018 




УДК 42 

Г 51 




Гитайло Е.Н. Новые технологии в области железнодорожного транспорта: Учебно-
методическое пособие. - М.: РУТ (МИИТ), 2018. – 18 с. 


Данное учебно-методическое пособие позволяет получить ответы по ряду вопросов, 

возникающих при изучении информации на английском языке, касающейся новых технологий 
в области железнодорожного транспорта. 

В пособие включены основные задания, касающиеся таких вопросов, как: расширение 

словарного запаса, изучение новых понятий, задания на вопросно-ответные формы, на 
развитие навыков общения на английском языке. 

Рекомендовано для специализации «Управление инновационными процессами и 

проектами» специальности «Инноватика» 27.03.05 (бакалавриат). 



Рецензент старший преподаватель кафедры «Лингвистика» РУТ (МИИТ)  
Львова Нина Иосифовна. 



© РУТ (МИИТ), 2018 












       Nowadays one can hardly find fields in human activity where electronic 
machines or devices are not used. Traffic control, sorting yard operations, compiling 
schedules, designing locomotives and many other hard and time-consuming jobs are 
being increasingly performed by computers. 

      Perhaps, the most important trend in train control at present is the change of 
technology. Yesterday’s technology was electro-mechanical; today electronic and 
computer technology dominates in rail traffic control and safety systems. Modern 
signalling is one important sphere of new technologies. Railroad signals (like the 
semaphore signal) are form of communication designed to inform the train crew of 
track conditions ahead and to instruct it how to operate the train. Traditional signals, 
which can be recorded, are speed, time, and distance. A number of digital signals such 
as door opening, brake application, switch positions, lamps, etc, as well as some 
analogue signals such as current and catenary voltage, are now added for recording. 
Recently the terms like radio-based signalling or telematics have been added to 
traditional signalling terminology. We are on the brink of a revolution which will 
transform signalling as we know it within the next decade. 

The automation of railway services is leading to computer-integrated railroading, in 
which radio plays a very important role. On modern railways there is a clear trend 
towards the so-called railway operation control system (ROC) based on radio 
transmission. ROC includes traffic safety and train control, which supersedes 
traditional signalling. It helps to coordinate the operation of high-speed passenger 
services and slower freight trains on the same tracks, as well as the use of double-
track lines in both directions. With the help of ROC, there will soon be virtual or 
electronic coupling of trains into a chain driving at a high speed. Together with 
‘smart’ trains and ‘intelligent’ dispatching and control centres, ROC will form a 
triangle for improved profitability for the railways. 

Shift2Rail: driving innovation on railways 

• Improving quality of rail services by increasing reliability and punctuality by as 
much as 50%; 
• Reducing congestion and CO2 emissions by doubling railway capacity; 
• Cutting the costs of infrastructure and rolling stock by up to half; 
• Retaining Europe’s leadership in the global rail market. 

What are the challenges? 

Rising traffic demand, congestion, security of energy supply and climate change are 
some of the major issues that the European Union and the wider world are facing. 

Tackling these challenges will require the railway sector taking on a larger share of 
transport demand in the next few decades. The European Commission is working 
towards the creation of a Single European Railway Area and has promoted a modal 
shift from road to rail in order to achieve a more competitive and resource-efficient 
European transport system. However, the share of rail on the European freight and 
passenger transport markets is still not satisfactory. EU research and innovation must 
therefore help rail play a new, broader role in global transport markets, both by 
addressing pressing short-term problems that drain rail business operations, and by 
helping the sector to achieve a stronger market position. 

What is the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking? 


The Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R JU) is a new public- private partnership in the 
rail sector, providing a platform for cooperation that will drive innovation in the years 
to come. The S2R JU will pursue research and innovation activities in support of the 
achievement of the Single European Railway Area and improve the attractiveness and 
competitiveness of the European rail system. 
Activities will be organised around five key “Innovation Programmes”: cost-efficient 
and reliable trains, including High Speed trains and high-capacity trains; advanced 
traffic management & control systems; cost-efficient and reliable high capacity 
infrastructure; IT Solutions for Attractive Railway Services; Technologies for 
Sustainable & Attractive European Freight. 

What results and benefits do we expect? 


Shift2Rail will contribute to: 
• Cutting the life-cycle cost of railway transport (i.e. costs of building, operating, 
maintaining and renewing infrastructure and rolling stock) by as much as 50%; 
• Doubling railway capacity; 
• Increasing reliability and punctuality by as much as 50%. 
The proposed initiative will help boost the competitive edge of the rail supply industry, 
opening new market perspectives and offering significant employment and export 
opportunities. Railway undertakings, infrastructure managers and public transport 
operators will also benefit from innovations that drastically reduce infrastructure and 
operating costs. This should also help to reduce the subsidies paid out by national 
governments – estimated at €36-38 billion in Europe in 2012. Passengers and freight 
service users will benefit from a step change in the reliability and quality of services. 
Improved competitiveness and attractiveness of rail services, combined with increased 
capacity, will help rail take on an increased share of transport demand, thereby 

contributing to the reduction of traffic congestion and CO2 emissions. Citizens’ health 
and wellbeing will also benefit thanks to reduced noise pollution from rail. 

How much will it cost? 


The estimated budget of the S2R JU will be at least €920 million (for the period 2014-
The EU’s share of the funding, amounting to a maximum of €450 million, will come 
from the Horizon 2020 programme. To access this funding, the rail industry will have 
to commit to a contribution of at least €470 million. Additional funding, 
complementing the Horizon 2020 funds, may be allocated from other EU instruments, 
such as the Connecting Europe Facility, to support actions for the deployment of 
innovative outcomes of the S2R Joint Undertaking. 

Lightening the load with aeronautic technology 


         Reducing the energy consumption of railway rolling stock is crucial to improving 
the performance of the rail system. The REFRESCO project, run under the EU’s 
current seventh research funding programme, will contribute to this goal through 
evolution of certification processes facilitating the use of new materials, such as 
composites and light metallic alloys, for the construction of lighter rolling stock. Such 
materials are already used in aeronautics and the wind power sector, as well as for the 
manufacture of some parts of rolling stock, but there is currently no way to certify a 
rail vehicle built entirely, or in large part, from non-metallic materials. 
REFRESCO will pave the way for concrete demonstrations in Shift2Rail. Thanks to 
adaptations of the regulatory framework, it will support the introduction of research 
results to the market. 





Exercise 1. Write the synonyms of the following words: 

1. fields                                                      
2. designing                                               
3. form of                                                   
4. to operate the train                                  
5. important
6. innovation
7. to achieve 
8. include
9. research
10. currently

a) to reach
b) now
c) kind of 
d) areas
e) to run the train
f) chief
g) developing
h) new technology
i) investigation
j) involve

Exercise 2. Write the antonyms of the following words: 

1. to build
a) disadvantage

2. light
b) quietness 

3. noise
c) clearance 

4. pollution
d) destroy

5. employment
e) heavy

6. export
f) import

7. advantage
g) decreased

8. important
h) unprofitable

9. cost-efficient
i) unemployment 

10. increased
j) insignificant


Exercise 3. Choose the correct English translation of the following word 

1. Обслуживание сортировочного парка  
a) Digital signals

2. Управление движением  
b) High-speed passenger services

3. Составление расписания
c) Rolling stock

4. Цифровые сигналы 
d) Traffic control

5. Подвижной состав 
e) Sorting yard operation

6. Система 


f) Compiling schedules

7. Высокоскоростное


g) To operate the train 

8. Управлять поездом
h) Train’s control system

9. Информационные разработки 
i) Cutting costs

10.Сокращение расходов 
j) IT solutions 

Exercise 4. Choose the right English explanation of the following words and word 

1. ROC based on 

direct railway traffic and keep trains 
clear of each other at all times;

b) a signal that is being used to 

of discrete values;

3.  Automatic train operation is
c) traffic safety and train control.

4. Railway signaling is
d) radio transmission.


system includes:

e) an operational safety enhancement 
device used to help automate operations 
of trains;

6. Control system
f) a new public- private partnership in 
the rail sector, providing a platform for 

7. Traffic management is
g) referred to any vehicles that move 
on a railway;

8. The Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking 


h) manages, commands, directs, or 
regulates the behavior of other devices 
or systems using control loops;

9. Rolling stock is
i) a key branch within logistics which 
concerns the planning, control and 
purchasing of transport services.

10. Digital signal  is
j) the project, run under the EU’s 
current research funding programme

Exercise 5. Test. Choose the correct answer. 

1. Nowadays one can hardly find fields in human activity where electronic  
machines or devices _______. 

a) don’t use                                  c) aren’t used 
b) isn’t used                                 d) doesn’t use. 
2. Traffic control, sorting yard operations, designing locomotives and many other 

hard and time-consuming jobs _____increasingly _____by computers. 

a) are being performed                c) aren’t performed 
b) were being performed             d) isn’t performed  

3. Traditional signals, which______ are speed, time, and distance.  
a) can record                                c) can is recorded 
b) can be recorded                        d) can be record 
4. The automation of railway services _____ to computer-integrated railroading.  
a) are leading                  c) lead 
b) is leading                    d) leading 


5. ROC ____ traffic safety and train control.  
a) include                   c) includes 
b) is including            d) are including  


6.  With the help of ROC, there ____ soon _____ virtual or electronic coupling of 


a) has been                         c) had been 
b) will be                            d) would be 


7. The first systems ____ now _______ and _____.  
a) have been developed and installed         c) are developed and installed 
b) will be developed and installed              d) are being developed and installed 
8.  The second trend, which _____ visible, ______ standardization.  
a) becomes…is increasing              c) becomes…increasing  
b) became…is increasing                d) becomes…increases 
9. The electronic technique _____as simulation _____ virtual rail environment.  
a) is known…create                        c) known….is creating  
b) known…creates                          d) is known…creates  


10.  New developments in information technology and ever-expanding Internet 
_________ the world lately.  

a) changed                                        c) have changed  
b) are changing                                 d) are changed  

Exercise 6. Choose the right form of the verb.  

1. More and more countries (to adopt)  smart cards with embedded chip instead  
of paper-based ticketing systems.  
2. Smart cards hold much more information than a magnetic stripe, and can also 
(to use) outside the mass transit systems.  
3. New technologies (to transform) railways in the foreseeable future. 
4. In this information-intensive age, the modernization of signalling and  
telecommunications (to be) even more important than the pursuit of higher train 
5. Future railway technologies have (to be) highly effective, interoperable, safe,  
environmentally friendly and allow for rapid innovation in the railway system. 
Exercise 7. Choose the right Russian translation. 
1. Rising traffic demand, congestion, security of energy supply and climate  
change are some of the major issues that the European Union and the wider world 
are facing. 
a) Рост спроса на транспорт, перегруженность, безопасность  
энергоснабжения и изменение климата являются одними из основных 
вопросов, которые решает Европейский Союз и весь мир. 
b) Рост спроса на транспорт, перегруженность, безопасность  
энергоснабжения и изменение климата являются одними из основных 
проблем, с которыми сталкивается Европейский Союз и весь мир. 

энергоснабжения и изменение климата должны быть одними из основных 
вопросов, которые решают Европейский Союз и весь мир. 

энергоснабжения и изменение климата являются одними из основных 
проблем, которые решают Европейский Союз и весь мир. 
2. The proposed initiative will help boost the competitive edge of the rail supply  
industry, opening new market perspectives and offering significant employment 
and export opportunities.