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Английский язык : практикум по чтению научно-технических текстов

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Данный практикум предназначен для студентов всех специальностей II курса факультета ПМП. Цель практикума - развить навыки чтения научно-технической литературы, а также навыки устной речи в пределах проработанных тем. При отборе текстового материала, лексики и грамматики учтена специфика стиля научно-технических текстов. Разнообразные упражнения направлены на закрепление лексико-грамматического материала, на развитие навыков разных видов чтения и устной речи. Соответствует программе курса английского языка.
Новикова, В. В. Английский язык : практикум по чтению научно-технических текстов / В. В. Новикова, С. И. Перминова, А. В. Щербакова. - Москва : ИД МИСиС, 2012. - 70 с. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1229438 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.









№ 1812 

Кафедра русского и иностранного языков и литературы

В.В. Новикова  
С.И. Перминова 
А.В. Щербакова 

Английский язык

Практикум по чтению научно-технических текстов 
для студентов II курса факультета  
полупроводниковых материалов и приборов 


Рекомендовано редакционно-издательским  
советом института 

Москва  2012 

УДК 811.111 

Р е ц е н з е н т  
д-р филолог. наук, проф. О.А. Колыхалова (Моск. гос. пед. ун-т) 

Новикова В.В, Перминова С.И., Щербакова А.В. 
Английский язык: Практикум по чтению научно-технических 
текстов. – М.: МИСиС, 2012. – 70 с. 

Данный практикум предназначен для студентов всех специальностей 
II курса факультета ПМП. 
Цель практикума – развить навыки чтения научно-технической литературы, а также навыки устной речи в пределах проработанных тем. При отборе текстового материала, лексики и грамматики учтена специфика стиля научно-технических текстов. Разнообразные упражнения направлены на закрепление лексико-грамматического материала, на развитие навыков разных видов чтения и устной речи. 
Соответствует программе курса английского языка. 

© НИТУ «МИСиС», 2012 

Chapter 1. Language Material ................................................................4 
Unit 1. Some Basic Facts about Matter..............................................................4 
Grammer. The Passive Construction..................................................6 
Text 1. Atomic Structure of Matter. Electrons in Motion ..................7 
Text 2. Our Electronic World...........................................................11 
Text 3. Neutrons...............................................................................13 
Text 4. Electrons in Orbit.................................................................14 
Unit 2. Semiconductors. Their Types...............................................................14 
Grammer. The Participle ..................................................................17 
Text 1. Semiconductors....................................................................17 
Text 2. Development of Semiconductor Devices.............................21 
Text 3. Recombination .....................................................................23 
Text 4. Conductivity.........................................................................24 
Unit 3. Semiconductor Materials......................................................................24 
Grammer. The Infinitive. The Infinitive Constructions ...................27 
Text 1. Silicon and Germanium .......................................................27 
Text 2. Conductivity of Semiconductors..........................................30 
Text 3. The Properrties of Semiconductors......................................32 
Unit 4. Crystals...................................................................................................33 
Grammer. The Gerund. The Complex with the Gerund...................35 
Text 1. Some facts about Crystals....................................................35 
Text 2. Techniques of Crystal Growth .............................................38 
Text 3. Characterization of Crystals used in Power Electronics ......40 
Chapter 2. Grammar Practice...............................................................41 
The Passive Voice..............................................................................................41 
The Participle. The Absolute Participle Construction ...........................46 
The Infinitive. The Infinitive Constructions ..........................................51 
The Gerund. The Complex with the Gerund .........................................56 
Chapter 3. Supplementary Reading......................................................60 
Text 1. Electron Devices...................................................................60 
Text 2. Microelectronics...................................................................61 
Text 3. Ohmic Contacts....................................................................62 
Text 4. What are Lasers and Masers?...............................................62 
Text 5. Radar ....................................................................................63 
Text 6. Laser Applications................................................................64 
Text 7. The p-n Junction...................................................................65 
Text 8. Principles of Fabrication of Semiconductor Devices ...........66 
Text 9. Crystal Growth from the Melt..............................................67 
Text 10. Crystal Growth by Chemical Transport Reaction. 
Production of Germanium Single Crystal Layer ..............................68 


Unit 1. Some Basic Facts about Matter 

I. Words to be learnt 

matter (n) – материя 
unit (n) – элемент, единица измерения, глава (книга) 
pattern (n) – модель, структура, образец, форма 
space lattice (n) – пространственная решетка 
particle (n) – частица 
dimension (n) – размер, измерение 
syn: size 
charge (n,v) – заряд, заряжать 
excess (n) – избыток, излишек 
in excess of – больше, сверх (нормы) 
excessive (adj) – чрезмерный 
current (n) – ток, поток 
lack (n,v) – недостаток, нехватка, полное отсутствие, не иметь, испытовать недостаток 
weight (n) – вес 
loose (adj) –свободный, несвязанный, просторный 
ant: tight – плотный, связанный, тесный 
considerable (adj) –значительный 
be composed of (v) – состоять из 
syn: consist of (v)  
be made up of (v) 
make up (v) – составлять 
arrange (v) – организовывать, располагать, классифицировать 
arrangement (n) – расположение (в определенном порядке) 
compare (v) – сравнивать 
comparison (n) – сравнение 
in comparison with – по сравнению с  
comparative (adj) – сравнительный 
retain (v) – сохранять 
gain (v) – приобретать 
ant: lose – терять 
consider (v) – рассматривать, считать 
equal (v,adj) – уравнивать, равный 
be equal to… – равняться 
according to (pr) – в соответствии, согласно 

Ex. 1. Learn to pronounce the words given below. 
a) atom [ætəm], molecule [moʊlikjul], weight [weit], electron [ilektrən], path [pa:θ], proton [proʊtən], neutron [nju:trən], 
charge [t∫a:d], particle [pa:tikl], equal [i:kwəl], compare [kəmpεə], excess [ikses], dimension [dimen∫ən], current [krənt], lose [lu:z], 
loose [lu:s], occupy [כkjupai], neucleus [nju:kliəs], retain [ritein], 
mica [maikə], rubber [rbə], temperature [temprit∫ə], pressure [pre∫ə], 
structure [strkt∫ə] 
b) ´increase (n) – inćrease (v) 
´import (n) – im´port (v) 
´decrease (n) – dećrease (v) 
´export (n) – ex´port (v) 
´present (n,adj) – preśent (v) 
´subject (n) – sub´ject to (v) 
´object (n) – ob´ject (v) 

Ex. 2. Translate the international words given below. 
To occupy, positive, negative, neutral, a form, to form, portions of 
molecules, an atomic theory, extreme temperatures, orbital electrons, a 
conductor, conductive, an insulator, a mass. 

Ex. 3. Give the Russian equivalents of the word combinations given below. 
At extremely high temperatures, to be concentrated within the nucleus, 
the total space occupied by an atom, a loose structure of electrons, a negatively charged particle, to make up a crystalline structure, a difference of 
potential, a conductive path, to occupy the nuclei, a free exchange of orbital electrons, to form the electric current. 

II. Grammar. The Passive Construction 

Ex. 4. Study and remember the following charts: 

№ 1. 

am, is, are 
discussed (made) 

am, is, are 
discussed (made) 

have/has been 
discussed (made) 

discussed (made) 

discussed (made) 

had been 
discussed (made) 

will be (shall) 
discussed (made) 


will have been 
discussed (made) 

№ 2. 
to allow 
позволять кому-либо 
to ask 
спрашивать кого-либо 
to give 
давать кому-либо 
to offer 
| somebody 
предлагать кому-либо 
to tell 
сообщать кому-либо 
to teach 
учить кого-либо 
to train 
готовить (обучать) кого-либо 
to promise | 
обещать кому-либо 

Examples: The speaker was asked a lot of questions. 
Оператору задали … (оператора спросили …). 
We have been given all the necessary data. 
Нам дали … . 
№ 3. 
to account for 
to agree on (upon) 
to call for 
призывать, требовать 
to deal with 
иметь дело (с), рассматривать 
to work at 
работать над 
to speak about 
сообщать о 
to rely on (upon) 
to insist on (upon) 
to depend on (upon) – 
to touch on (upon) 
затрагивать, касаться (вопроса) 
to think of 
to pay attention to 
обращать внимание на 
to refer to 
ссылаться, относиться 
Examples: This method can’t be relied on 
На этот метод … . 
This theory is often referred to. 
На эту теорию… . 
№ 4. 
to affect (influence) 
влиять на 
to follow 
smth следовать за 
to join 
smth присоединяться к 
to attend 
присутствовать на 
to watch 
наблюдать за 
Examples: His lectures are always followed by heated discussions. 
За его лекциями … .  

Ex. 5. Do Grammar Exercises from chapter 2 (Exercises 1–8) 

III. Text Study 

Ex. 6. Read text 1 and find out: 
a) what matter is made up of; 
b) what the structure of an atom is. 


1. The development of a scientific atomic theory started with Dalton 
in 1803. Since then through important discoveries scientists have been 
able to present a true picture of an atomic structure of matter. All matter is 
composed of atoms and molecules. Atoms are the smallest units of matter 
into which an element can be subdivided and still retain the properties of 
that element. A modern theory considers that at extremely high temperatures all molecules break up to form atoms or portions of molecules. The 
atoms or molecules making up a crystalline structure are arranged according to a definite geometrical pattern. This patterns is known to be a space 
2. Atoms consist of a massive nuclei and small negatively charged 
particles called “electrons”. The mass of an electron was found to be 
about 2.000 times as small as the mass of the lightest atom, the hydrogen 
atom. The positive electricity is concentrated within the nucleus of dimensions very small compared with the total space occupied by an atom. This 
nucleus is responsible for practically the whole of the atomic mass. 
3. An atom is a loose structure of electrons surrounding a heavy central core, the atomic nucleus, which is about one tenthousandth the size of 
the atom. It was later discovered that the nucleus consists of positively 
charged particles called “protons” and other particles of about the same 
weight without any charge, called “neutrons”. 
4. The negative electron charge equals the positive nucleus charge: 
hence the atom has no charge. However, sometimes an atom may gain an 
electron, and then it has a negative charge. If an atom loses an electron, 
the nucleus protons are more numerous than the negative electrons, so the 
atom has a positive charge. 
5. A body with a considerable excess of electrons has a strong negative charge; one with few electrons has a strong positive charge. Thus 
there is a difference of potential. 
If something allowing a free movement of electrons is placed between 
the negative and the positive charges, electrons move along this conduc
tive path to occupy the nuclei which lack electrons. This movement is an 
electric current and it can take place through any conductor. 
6. A conductor readily allows the free exchange of orbital electrons, 
so electrons forming the electric current can move from atom to atom 
along the material. Silver and copper are good conductors. A perfect insulator would allow no exchange of electrons Hence there would be no 
movement from atom to atom, and no current would flow. Glass, mica 
and rubber are good insulators. 

Ex. 7. Find 2 words with: 
a) a close meaning 
weight – size – width – dimension – length 
unit – structure – matter – lattice – pattern 
loose – considerable – comparative – free – extreme 
consist – discover – arrange – be composed – retain 
conduct – increase – surround – flow – raise 
matter – structure – insulator – conductor – non-conductor 
charge – keep – occupy – move – retain 
b) an opposite meaning 
considerable – tight – strong – extreme – loose 
wide – weak – high - loose - strong 
compose – have – make up – charge – lack 
lose – occupy – move – gain – form 
wide – light – strong – heavy – deep 
small – scientific – dielectric – electric – conductive 

Ex. 8. Give the Russian equivalents to: 
To present a true picture of atoms and molecules, the smallest units of 
matter, the lightest atom, the nucleus is responsible for … , the development of a scientific theory, one tenthousandth the size of an atom, to move 
along the conductive path, no current flows, a strong negative charge, 
electrons forming the electric current, according to a definite pattern. 

Ex. 9. Find in Test 1 the English equivalents for the wordcombinations given below. 
Представлять истинную картину атомного строения материи; сохранять свойства; развитие атомной теории; располагаться в определенном порядке; молекулы распадаются; в 2 000 раз меньше; свободная структура; одна десятитысячная размера…; приобретать (терять) 
электрон; значительный избыток электронов; электроны; окружающие …; по сравнению с …; не иметь электронов; течь; слюда; резина 

(каучук); электроны, образующие электрический ток; двигаться; 
внутри ядра. 

Ex. 10. Identify the Passive Constructions in text 1. 

Ex. 11. Use prepositions if necessary. 
1. She hasn’t got a job. She depends … her parents for money. 2. Do 
you belong…a political party? 3. He’s very selfish. He doesn’t care … 
other people. 4. Don’t worry arranging our holiday. I’ll take care … that. 
5. I think this job would suit you. Why don’t you apply… it. 6. Don’t listen … what he says. He is stupid. 7. What happened … the picture that 
used to be… the wall? 8. It’s not a very good bus service. You can’t rely 
… it. 9. The police are still looking … the seven-year-old boy who disappeared … his home last week. 10. Ann doesn’t write … her parents very 
often but she phones … them at least once a weak. 11. Can I speak … you 
a moment. There’s something I want to ask … you. 12. She is a bit lonely. 
She needs someone to talk … . 13. I don’t want to discuss … what happened last night. I want to forget … it. 14. She felt nervous as she entered … the room. 

Ex. 12. A. Use the right word in the text given below: 
atom, physicist, the nucleus, the nuclei, nuclear , carried out, heavy, 
weights, isotopes, a number of, properties, charge. 


In 1911 the British … Ernest Rutherford … … some experiments 
which showed that every … contains, in addition to one or more electrons, 
another particle called … of the atom. 
Every nucleus has a positive electric … . It is very small. It is about as 
big as an electron about 10–12 cm in diameter (ten to the minus twelfth 
power). It is very … – the lightest nucleus is 1836 times as heavy as an 
electron. There are many different kinds of every other element. 
A part of no lesser importance is played by radioactive and stable … 
obtained in … reactors and special separation plants. Isotopes are various 
forms of the same chemical elements differing in their atomic … and 
physical … , but chemically identical. Almost every chemical element 
has … … isotopes. 

B. Ask each other the questions about the text. 

Ex. 13. Render the following sentences in English. 
1. Все вещества состоят из молекул и атомов. 2. Атом считается 
мельчайшей частицей материи. 3. Атомы составляют кристаллическую структуру и располагаются в определенном порядке в пространственной решетке. 4. Атом состоит из тяжелого ядра и отрицательно заряженных электронов. 5. Электроны занимают пространство, окружающее положительно заряженное ядро. 6. Иногда атом может терять электроны, тогда он становится положительным. 7. Если 
тело имеет значительный избыток электронов, оно приобретает 
сильный отрицательный заряд. 8. В проводнике происходит свободное движение электронов между отрицательными и положительными 
зарядами. 9. Это движение называется электрическим током. 

IV. Conversation Practice 

Ex. 14. Agree or disagree with the statements given below. 
1. The scientists could already present a true picture of an atomic structure in the 18th century. 2. An atom is referred to as the smallest particle of 
matter. 3. At extremely high temperatures molecules usually retain the 
properties of an element. 4. Every atom is only composed of a small nucleus. 5. The mass of an electron is extremely small compared with a nucleus. 6. The positive charge is concentrated in the space surrounding the 
nucleus. 7. It was discovered that the nucleus includes some particles of 
the same weight without any charge. 8. An atom gains a positive charge if 
it loses electrons. 9. An electric current can take place in any body if there 
is no difference of potential. 10. No current flows in a perfect insulator 
because there exists no free exchange of orbital electrons. 

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions. 
1. When did the development of a scientific atomic theory begin? 
2. What is matter composed of? 
3. What happens to molecules at extremely high temperatures? 
4. What is an atom? 
5. What is a space lattice? 
6. What is the structure of an atom? 
7. What is the charge of a nucleus (an atom)? 
8. What happens if an atom gains (loses) an electron? 
9. What is an electric current? 
10. What happens to electrons in a conductor (an insulator)? 

Ex. 16. Read the plan and rearrange it in the order the problems appear in the text. 
1. Conductors and insulators. 
2. Matter according to a modern atomic theory. 
3. A charge of an atom. 
4. The structure of an atom. 
5. A free movement of electrons. 

Ex. 17. Retell text 1 using the rearranged plan given above and the 
word combinations given below. 
The development of a scientific atomic theory, to present a true picture, the smallest units; to form, a space lattice, to be arranged, a massive 
nucleus, positively (negatively) charged particles, a loose structure, electrons surrounding … , to lose, to gain; a considerable excess of …, a free 
movement of … to take place, an electric current, a free exchange of orbital electrons, to follow, a conductor, an insulator. 

Ex. 18. Do the pre-reading tasks: 
a) Name the electronic devices that you know; 
b) Read text 2 and find out the information about the main electronic 


Electronics is the tool of today. It has given us radar, automation, space 
vehicles*, radio telescopes, and a host of other inventions that have transformed our lives. 
Electronics means putting electrons to work. An electron is one of the 
particles in an atom, and travels at incredible speed round the nucleus. 
Also of the first importance are the facts that the electron has a negative 
charge, the nucleus a positive one. 
Many devices are used in our life. For example, transformers, transform or change one voltage to another, or perform other useful functions. 
A transistor is a device made from semiconductor material, e.g. a tiny* 
slice of germanium or silicon. It allows a small current (between base and 
emitter) to control a large current (between emitter and collector). It is 
used in TV, in computers, and in many other devices. 
In cathode ray tubes, an electron beam is deflected* by electric or 
magnetic field, and passes over the face of the tube. These tubes are employed in TV receivers, oscilloscopes and other equipment. 

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