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Лабораторный практикум содержит 5 работ к общим и специальным курсам металловедения и термической обработки. Цель практикума - привить студентам навыки распознавания макро- и микроструктуры сталей и сплавов, определения их характеристик. В пособии дается описание методов определения характеристик и обработки результатов эксперимента, а также домашнее задание и контрольные вопросы для проверки усвоения материала изучаемого курса. Пособие предназначено для бакалавров и магистров, обучающихся по направлениям 150100 «Материаловедение и технологии материалов», 150400 «Металлургия», 011200 «Физика».
Турилина, В. Ю. Материаловедение : лабораторный практикум / В. Ю. Турилина, А. Б. Рожнов ; под. ред. С. А. Никулина. - Москва : Изд. Дом МИСиС, 2013. - 51 с. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1223629 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.









№ 2139 

Кафедра металловедения и физики прочности

В.Ю. Турилина 
А.Б. Рожнов 



Лабораторный практикум 

Под редакцией профессора С.А. Никулина 

Допущено учебно-методическим объединением  
по образованию в области металлургии в качестве учебного  
пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений,  
обучающихся по направлению Металлургия 

Москва  2013 

УДК 669.017 

Р е ц е н з е н т  
д-р техн. наук, проф. С.В. Добаткин (ИМЕТ им. А.А. Байкова РАН) 

Турилина, В.Ю. 
Материаловедение : лаб. 
практикум / 
В.Ю. Турилина, 
А.Б. Рожнов; под ред. С.А. Никулина. – М. : Изд. Дом МИСиС, 
2013. – 51 с. 

Лабораторный практикум содержит 5 работ к общим и специальным курсам металловедения и термической обработки. Цель практикума – привить 
студентам навыки распознавания макро- и микроструктуры сталей и сплавов, 
определения их характеристик. 
В пособии дается описание методов определения характеристик и обработки результатов эксперимента, а также домашнее задание и контрольные 
вопросы для проверки усвоения материала изучаемого курса. 
Пособие предназначено для бакалавров и магистров, обучающихся по 
направлениям 150100 «Материаловедение и технологии материалов», 
150400 «Металлургия», 011200 «Физика». 

© В.Ю. Турилина, 
А.Б. Рожнов, 2013 











Department of Physical Metallurgy and the Physics of Strength

V.Yu. Turilina 
A.B. Rojnov 

Metal Science


Laboratory manual 

Edited by professor S.A. Nikulin 


Moscow 2013 


R e v i e w e r  
Dr. Sc., Professor S.V. Dobatkin (IMET RAN) 

Turilina, V.Yu. 
Metal science : laboratory manual / V.Yu. Turilina, A.B. Rojnov; edited S.A. Nikulin. – М. : Publishing House "MISiS", 2013. – 
51 p. 

Laboratory manual has 5 labs for further study of the general and special 
courses on metal science and heat treatment. The purpose of the laboratory manual – to teach students to recognize the macro- and microstructure of steels and alloys, to determine their main characteristics. In the laboratory manual are described the methods for determining the characteristics of steels and alloys  
and processing of the experimental results, as well as home work and test questions  
to self-verification. 
The manual is intended for undergraduate and graduate students in areas  
of 150100 "Materials Science and Technology of Materials", 150400 "Metallurgy", 
011200 "Physics". 


1 General introduction 
2 Laboratory works 
Laboratory work N 1 The structure of annealed carbon steels 
Laboratory work N 2 Effect of heat treatment  
on the microstructure and hardness of cold-worked steels 
Laboratory work N 3 Effect of heat treatment  
on the microstructure and properties of overheated steels 
Laboratory work N 4 Effect of heat treatment  
on mechanical properties of structural steels 
Laboratory work N 5 Effect of heat treatment  
on the microstructure and hardness of tool steels 
3 Home work 
4 Control tests 


Today steels and alloys remain the basic materials in all areas of 
modern engineering. Therefore each expert which work is connected with 
use of metal materials, anyhow have to decide a problem of a choice of  
an optimum material and technology of its processing for spesific products. 
Materials are evolving today faster than at any time in history. Industrial nations regard the development of new and improved materials as an 
“underpinning technology” – one which can stimulate innovation in all 
branches of engineering, making possible new designs for structures, appliances, engines, electrical and electronic devices, processing and energy 
conservation equipment, and much more. Many of these nations have promoted government-backed initiatives to facilitate the development and exploitation of new materials: their lists generally include “high-performance” 
composites, new engineering ceramics, high-strength polymers, glassy metals, and new high-temperature alloys for gas turbines. These initiatives are 
now being felt throughout engineering, and have already stimulated design 
of a new and innovative range of consumer products. 
So the engineer must be more aware of materials and their potential 
than ever before. Innovation, often, takes the form of replacing a component made of one material (a metal, say) with one made of another  
(a polymer, perhaps), and then redesigning the product to exploit, to the 
maximum, the potential offered by the change. The engineer must compare and weigh the properties of competing materials with precision: the 
balance, often, is a delicate one. It involves an understanding of the basic 
properties of materials; of how these are controlled in processing; of how 
materials are formed, joined and finished; and of the chain of reasoning 
that leads to a successful choice. 
Goal of this course is to provide this understanding. 
Such choice is impossible to make without knowledge of interrelations of a chemical composition, structure and properties of materials, and 
also the basic ways of the heat treatment, allowing to provide the required 
structure and properties of a materials. It is necessary to understand also 
how and in which conditions those or other machinery parts or designs are 
used, what requirements in terms of mechanical and other properties, reliability and safety at operation they have to meet. 
The discipline “Materials science” is one of the major components 
of masters training in a training direction of “Advance material science and 
Engeneering”. A discipline’s orientation is both theoretical and practical. 

The discipline consists of three interconnected parts: 
1 Mechanical properties of metals; 
2 Change in structure by heat treatment of steel; 
3 Special steels and alloys. 
The discipline is directed on complete understanding by students 
the interrelation of composition, structure and properties of alloys; the 
methods of heat treatment, thermo-mechanical treatment, chemicalthermal treatment of steels and alloys to obtain of a required set of properties for manufacturing of the products which are used under various operating conditions. 
The lectures are accompanied by a large number of seminars and 
laboratory works which will help the students to obtain the necessary 

Goal of the course 

Goal of the course is training of the specialist to choose alloys and 
the modes of treatment providing a necessary complex of mechanical 
properties for various operating conditions taking into account economic 
factors and in addition 1) learn to analyze phase and structural transformations during heat treatment, thermomechanical treatment, chemicalthermal treatment of metal materials and to be guided in levels of mechanical properties of materials in various structural conditions; 2) learn to 
analyze the interrelation of composition and structure, mechanical and 
operational properties. 

The obtaining competencies 

Use the received knowledge for forecasting and the analysis of the 
effect of the material’s treatment on its structure and properties; 
Describe process of formation of a material’s structure during the 
course of technological operations using different methods of the structural analysis and analysis of binary and ternary equilibrium diagrams; 
Solve the theoretical, practical typical and system problems connected with professional work; 
Prove a choice of the material providing the necessary complex of 
operational and mechanical properties; a choice of kinds and modes of 
heat treatment for obtaining of a required complex of properties in steels 
and alloys; a choice of methods of mechanical tests and the structural 
analysis for estimation of the structure characteristic and properties of 
steels and alloys; 

Calculate the values of mechanical properties from results of mechanical tests; 
Visualize the results of the calculations including the use of the 
computer programs. 


The course assumes that the student has a background in physics 
and chemistry, thermodynamics, crystallography, metallography, lattice 
imperfection, some basic mathematical skills. 

Supplementary facilities 

1 Software for quantitative  
metallographic analysis .................................................Image Expert Pro 3 
2 Learning computer presentation 

Technical facilities 

1 Optical microscopes ................... AxioVert 40 MAT; AxioScop 40 
Scanning electron microscopes ..... Hitachi TM-1000, Hitachi S800 
Rockwell hardness tester............... Buehler MacroMet 5101T 
Microhardness tester ..................... HVS-1000 
Tensile-testing machine................. INSTRON 150LX 
Box furnace ................................... СНОЛ-3/12 
Grinding machine.......................... Buehler MetaServ 2000 
Grinding-and-polishing machine... Buehler Vector + Beta 
2 Computer class 

Methodic recommendations for students 

If you really wish to learn, you must read the lectures and solidify 
your understanding by reproducing the maim derivations by yourself, with 
summary enclosed. If you have difficulties, go ahead, open the summary, 
find out you are missing, and repeat. There are the tests for self-study. Do 
not ignore these! Discuss these questions with other students or with tutors. Once you fell you understand the theoretical issues, try to solve problems. Be persistent. The only way to solve the problems, which illustrate 
or expand upon the theory is to solve them. Finally, be accurate with the 
homework and laboratory works. They are the powerful tool for training. 
For performance of home works it is necessary for students to study 
the corresponding sections of the course stated at lectures and in recom
mended textbooks, including: main modes of mechanical tests and mechanical properties; modes of heat treatment, structural and phase transformations in steels; principles of alloying and influence of alloying elements on structure and properties of steels; the basic groups of industrial 
steels. It is necessary to master also techniques of a choice of a material 
and heat treatment conditions for details of certain appointment which 
include the analysis of working conditions of a product, definition of 
character of loadings and level of properties which the product material 
should possess; a choice of a material and a way of heat treatment for 
achievement of required properties. 
If you work through this course, solving the problems, you will get 
a working knowledge of what a phase diagram (or equilibrium diagram) 
means, and how to use it. Don't rush it: learn the definitions and meditate 
a little over the diagrams themselves, checking yourself as you go. Some 
parts (the definitions, for instance) are pretty concentrated stuff. Others 
(some of the problems, perhaps) may strike you as trivial. That is inevitable in a “teach yourself” course which has to accommodate students with 
differing backgrounds. Do them anyway. 
Phase diagrams are important. Whenever materials engineers have 
to report on the properties of a metallic alloy, or a ceramic, the first thing 
they do is reach for the phase diagram. It tells them what, at equilibrium, 
the structure of the alloy or ceramic is. The real structure may not be the 
equilibrium one, but equilibrium structure gives a base line from which 
other (non-equilibrium) structures can be inferred. 


Laboratory work N 1 

(2 hours) 

1.1 Goals of the work 

Study of the annealed carbon steels structure with different carbon 
content. Determine of carbon content in steels using structure. Getting the 
skills to use optical microscopes. 

1.2 Introduction 

Iron-carbon alloys are the most widely used structural materials, 
and the phase transformations in these alloys are of considerable importance in heat treatment. 
Carbon steels as received “off the shelf” have been worked at high 
temperature (usually by rolling) and have then been cooled slowly to room 
temperature. The room-temperature microstructure should then be close to 
equilibrium and can be inferred from the Fe–С phase diagram. Table 1.1 
lists the phases in the Fe–Fe3C system and gives details of the composite 
eutectoid and eutectic structures that occur during slow cooling. 

Table 1.1 – Phases in the Fe–Fe3C system and composite structure produced during  
the slow cooling of Fe–C alloys 

and structure

Description and comments 

Liquid solution of С in Fe 

Random interstitial solid solution of С in b.c.с. Fe. Maximum 
solubility of 0.08 wt % С occurs at 1492 °С. Pure δ-Fe  
is the stable polymorph between 1391°С and 1536 °С 

γ (also called 
Random interstitial solid solution of С in f.c.с. Fe. Maximum 
solubility of 1.7 wt % С occurs at 1130 °С. Pure γ-Fe  
is the stable polymorph between 914 °С and 1391 °С 

α (also called 
Random interstitial solid solution of С in b.с.с. Fe.  
Maximum solubility of 0.025 wt % С occurs at 723 °С.  
Pure α-Fe is the stable polymorph below 914 °С 

(also called  

Complex A hard and brittle chemical compound of Fe and С  
containing 25 atomic % (6.7 wt %) С 

The composite eutectoid structure of alternating plates of α  
and Fe3C produced when γ containing 0.8 wt % С is cooled 
below 723 °C. Pearlite nucleates at γ grain boundaries.  
It occurs, in low, medium and high carbon steels. 
It is sometimes, quite wrongly, called a phase. It is not a phase 
but is а mixture of the two separate phases α and Fe3C in the 
proportions of 88.5 % by weight of α to 11.5 % by weight of 
Fe3C. Because grains are single crystals it is wrong to say that 
pearlite forms in grains: we say instead that it forms in nodules 

The composite eutectic structure of alternating plates of γ  
and Fe3C produced when liquid containing 4.3 wt % С  
is cooled below 1130 °C. Again, not a phase! Ledeburite only 
occurs during the solidification of cast irons, and even then  
the γ in ledeburite will transform to α + Fe3C at 723 °C 

The Fe–Fe3C diagram (Figure 1.1) exhibits three important phase 
reactions: (1) a eutectoid reaction at 727 °C, consisting of austenite decomposition (γ-phase, f.c.c.) into ferrite (α-Fe, b.c.c.) and cementite,  
i.e. γ ↔ α + Fe3C; (2) a peritectic reaction at 1493 °C, involving reaction 
of the b.c.c. δ-phase and the liquid to form austenite (δ + L ↔ γ); and (3) 
a eutectic reaction at 1147 °C, resulting in the formation of austenite and 
cementite (L ↔ γ + Fe3C). 


Figure 1.1 – The iron–iron carbide diagram 

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